asBuilt Blog

New Brand, New Website

Written by asBuilt | September 2020

It’s been a wee while in the making – but the making has been worthwhile!

Introducing a new brand, new website and at last a platform to showcase some of the awesome projects we have been involved with and the services and solutions in the asBuilt suite.

Naturally we’re passionate about robust foundations, so we took our time to get our brand foundations right.

Our brand is more than our logo of course. It’s our story, our culture and the way we deliver our unique form of digital engineering services and solutions to our customers, partners and industry.

So what’s the motivation behind the new brand?




Well, at asBuilt we’ve always been good at connecting with others to make change happen. For example, we recently got together with Spark and Microsoft to deliver New Zealand’s first ever Connected Construction site. Check out the story and video here. We regularly deliver webinars and seminars on the topic of digitising construction (see our recent Spark webinar here) and we genuinely enjoy joining forces with other industry players to deliver projects that none of us could do as well alone.

It's fitting then, that our new asBuilt brand identity is a symbol of connection.

The two triangular structures in our new logo (also a little bit like building rooflines) connect together to form one strong object. They reflect the digital twin technologies that we deliver referencing perfect symmetry and alignment. For us this is meaningful. We know when clients connect to ONE digital source of truth, they also connect better to one another. The connectivity symbol flows through our brand family. The symbol for Vault (our 3D spatial intelligence platform) is made of the same shapes. As does PayLab, a product to streamline construction payments.



asBuilt was founded in 2012 to harness digital technologies to do things smarter. This hasn’t changed. Today, we still look at the lack of digitisation in the New Zealand Construction Industry and know that we can help close some of the gaps to smarter construction. A poor safety record, low productivity, inefficiencies and daily frustrations that come from an industry that works in silos. This is what gets us out of bed each day and drives us to keep honing our 3D spatial intelligence technologies.



Our brand is a vehicle to help us realise our Why:

To transform the way industry thinks, designs, constructs and acts for A Smarter World. Digitally.

We’re on a mission to use 3D spatial intelligence technologies to elevate people, performance and planet. When we hit this trifecta, we can improve business and economic performance. In turn this helps people thrive and do better, work safer, with less stress. And importantly, when we optimise construction outcomes, we reduce our collective industry environmental footprint. We reckon that’s a cause worth branding. Watch this space…